Sunday 29 December 2013

"I've brought you a present", she said, she said

There was rather a lot of activity and interest around the cat flap a few minutes ago. Even the old lad got interested (the cat, not my beloved!) It would seem that Cumin has really settled in - her quarry of choice is now the mouse. This exquisite catch was less than 3cm long and hiding between the lenses of my grandpa's field glasses (that would have made him smile). I have always found colendar to be great catchers of mice. We let her sniff and play for a while, following Ms Tittlemouse around the inside of the colendar. Then we evicted one ginger huntress and I managed to get the field glasses away from the field mouse and capture her again under the white dome. Insert a large piece of cardboard, and hey presto, evicted into the garden and under the verandah she ran. One happy mouse, one disgruntled ginger and a black and white with a speech bubble above his head "What happened? Whereditgo?" Post Script two hours later. Poor mouse has been retrieved and brought into the house twice - how on earth she found it in 2 acres, I don't know!

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